Current projects and exhibitions
Press articles
Delights festival Beijing
Outdoors site-specific art Riorges France
French Intitute of Izmir
Photo installation at Izmir

Land art Mongolia 2012

LAM 360 Bienniale
Gardening World Cup
Light Totem, Lyon, France
Garden Festival at Ibirapuera Brazil
Nagasaki Gardening World Cup
5Seasons Festival Belgium
Mereville castle park
Art and nature centre of Chaumont
Chamarande Castle Park
Trees and Lights Festival: Geneva, Switzerland.
Nuit Blanche 2007: Paris
Light Installation in agricultural landscape
Singapore Garden Festival 08
Contemporary Art Center: Belgium
International Garden Festival of Chaumont sur Loire
Exhibition "Visions" Kappatos Gallery.Athens, Greece
Installation in Xenakis and Avrabou's studio: France
Installation in a disused factory: France
Festival "Superflux" Tator Gallery: France
Street gardens Festival of Lyon: France
Maro Avrabou